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このウェブサイトでは、ヴァンダ・プランツニツカの著書、「霊に依る憑依〜 21 世紀の除霊」からの引用文が見つかります。

これより私は、死のカーテンの向こう側へ渡る事を拒否した魂を幽霊と呼びます。肉体の死の瞬間から暫くすると、幽霊は生力の低下に気付きます。しかし、どこでそれを補えるのか全く知りません。他の幽霊と接触があれば、それを見習う事も出来ますが最初は仲間がいる事にも気付かず、独りぼっちになります。幽霊は、弱って行き感情も無くなって、思考もままなら無くなって来ます。其処で、自己保身の本能が働き始めます。幽霊がエネルギーを補給出来る場所がこの世には沢山あります。水が供給源であったり、地殻断層から補給したりします。 こういう場所を自分で見つける幽霊もいます。死のカーテンの向こう側では、何の憂いも無く、壮大で愛に満ちた生活が出来たであろう事を彼らは知りません。チャンスが到来した時、彼らには神を許す事の価値を認める勇気がありませんでした。自分自身を許す事が出来ず、罰を恐れたため、死のカーテンの向こう側へ行けなかったのです。





カーテンの向こう側に行かない決心をした幽霊は、大抵遺族の元に返って来ます。その家庭には悲しみが満ち、皆混乱し、打ちひしがれ、寂しく生活をしています。時間を巻き戻して、愛する魂をもう一度生きて呼び戻せるのだったら、悲しみに暮れる遺族達は何でもするでしょう。こういう風になってしまうと、魂は旅立てなくなります。「 何処にも行かないで、貴方無しでどうしたら良いの?」私達は泣いて一家で死者に懇願します。これは、生命に対して取る非常に自己中心的な態度であり、死の根本的な意味の理解不足であることを示しています。喪失感に打ちひしがれて、悲しみに圧倒されてやってしまった事だと、貴方は言われるかもしれません。逆上して、我を忘れて、何も考えられなかった。貴方のそう言う思いを私は完璧に理解しています。私だって母の死後六ヶ月は、生きて行くのも辛かったのです。母の取った態度と、この世に自分を閉じこめておく理由等何も無いという母の要求が無ければ私は多分母のあの世の旅立ちを許さなかった事でしょう。




普通の精神状態の人は幽霊に生力を取らせたりしません。増してや、憑依を許すなんてとんでもありません。幽霊にはこの事が分かりますので、永遠に蛭の様に生気が吸い取れる相手を探します。弱い人、病気の人、年寄り、アルコールや麻薬の依存状態にある人々、疲れた人、寝不足の人、不安な人、落ち込む又は恐怖する人々から、幽霊はエネルギーを盗み取ります。言い換えれば、こういう人達は、彼ら自身既に力尽きている人達です。こういう人達は幽霊の活動に気付づいて、適切な対処をする状態に無いのです。こういう人は大抵、自分にはお連れさんが付いていて、神が毎日くれるエネルギーを分けてあげている事に疑いも持ちません。彼らは、理由も知らない内に健康と力を失くします。 こんな事をしているうちに、幽霊は深刻な病気や、時には死に至る疲弊を肉体に与えます。幽霊はいつも人の外にいますが、うっかりと中に入ってしまう事もあります。それはあたかも、幽霊が秘密の入り口に歩いて行って、間違ってドアに寄りかかったら開いてしまい、図らずも中に入ってしまう様なものです。こうして人は、計画も予期もしていない幽霊に取り憑かれてしまいます。






人の中に入った当初、人が新しい状況で感じる様に幽霊はぎこちなく感じます。どんな風に振る舞ったら良いのかそして、何処まで #12420;ったら良いのかも分からないので、ただ実験をし出します。どんなタイプの幽霊がどんな人に憑くかが大きく関係しています。幽霊はそれ自身の性質に似た人を探します。生前、攻撃的で向こう見ずな人間であったら、そういう傾向がある人を探します。「似た者は似た者を引き寄せる」の法則が此所でも働きます。憑依された後、狡い者は更に狡く、嫉妬深い者は更に嫉妬深くなります。全ての人格傾向がもっと強くなって行きます。ですから、最初の段階で異常に気づくのが難しいのです。例えば職場で誰かがある同僚の振る舞いに対してもの凄く動揺しているとします。人は、その原因を状況 — 此所では、問題 の言動がある同僚の所為にして、幽霊の関与はまず疑わないでしょう。人が自分と違った性質の幽霊に憑かれた場合、話は違って来ます。欠点が浮き彫りになって来る事はありませんが、その代わり今迄になかったものが浮上して来ます。



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14.05.2015 Wrote user Johnk929
I am very glad to see such excellent info being shared freely out there.
14.05.2015 Wrote user Johnk929
I am very glad to see such excellent info being shared freely out there.
13.01.2012 Wrote user J
The symptoms you describe above are accurate. There are people who don't think about suicide, but some force or urge disrupts their mind. Unexplained aggression and violence are good signs to pinpoint ghost possession. Thanks for sharing.
13.01.2012 Wrote user J
The symptoms you describe above are accurate. There are people who don't think about suicide, but some force or urge disrupts their mind. Unexplained aggression and violence are good signs to pinpoint ghost possession. Thanks for sharing.
08.04.2010 Wrote user Faziah
Thank you for all you do and have done for my family and myself. Go with Gods Speed
08.04.2010 Wrote user Faziah
Thank you for all you do and have done for my family and myself. Go with Gods Speed
11.10.2009 Wrote user suzannewells2000
I believe that Wanda's wisdom and gifts will truly revolutionize the world as we know it, as well as save mankind from the terrible holocaust of pain and suffering that the majority of us have and are currently experiencing. What a revelation!!! Bless you Wanda and may God protect you and shower you with all the blessings you deserve!
11.10.2009 Wrote user suzannewells2000
I believe that Wanda's wisdom and gifts will truly revolutionize the world as we know it, as well as save mankind from the terrible holocaust of pain and suffering that the majority of us have and are currently experiencing. What a revelation!!! Bless you Wanda and may God protect you and shower you with all the blessings you deserve!
27.07.2009 Wrote user miltondodd
Dear Wanda, I've heard more about you than just your book. I think you're a brilliant healer and spiritual guide... Keep saving those babies!
27.07.2009 Wrote user miltondodd
Dear Wanda, I've heard more about you than just your book. I think you're a brilliant healer and spiritual guide... Keep saving those babies!
18.09.2008 Wrote user Gambit68boom
Wow i never thought of it. You just opened my eyes to a whole new world thank you.
18.09.2008 Wrote user Gambit68boom
Wow i never thought of it. You just opened my eyes to a whole new world thank you.
02.09.2008 Wrote user exorcisme.catholique
Very good sister! God bless you!
02.09.2008 Wrote user exorcisme.catholique
Very good sister! God bless you!
20.08.2008 Wrote user catholic_girl
This article is very interesting, please keep on writing I want to know more. Thanks for the info!
20.08.2008 Wrote user catholic_girl
This article is very interesting, please keep on writing I want to know more. Thanks for the info!
13.08.2008 Wrote user sorasonorei
I totally agree with you.
13.08.2008 Wrote user sorasonorei
I totally agree with you.
22.05.2008 Wrote user Stellar
This is a wonderful service to the thousands of human beings suffering from unknown causes which can't be detected or diagnosed by conventional medicine or other professionals. I was greatly impressed some years ago, when at the Holy Mass, the priest said: "Let us pray for all those who suffer from mental illnesses which in the time of our Lord Jesus Christ was said to be possessed by evil spirits". - all answered: "Lord hear our Prayers"
22.05.2008 Wrote user Stellar
This is a wonderful service to the thousands of human beings suffering from unknown causes which can't be detected or diagnosed by conventional medicine or other professionals. I was greatly impressed some years ago, when at the Holy Mass, the priest said: "Let us pray for all those who suffer from mental illnesses which in the time of our Lord Jesus Christ was said to be possessed by evil spirits". - all answered: "Lord hear our Prayers"
19.02.2008 Wrote user Sher
Very good website. Tells it like it is!
19.02.2008 Wrote user Sher
Very good website. Tells it like it is!
11.09.2007 Wrote user kyles
I really believe this and i think more people should as well because it does happen to people and they should be more open minded
11.09.2007 Wrote user kyles
I really believe this and i think more people should as well because it does happen to people and they should be more open minded
15.05.2007 Wrote user mminard200
I believe this to be very true, especially concerning alcohol and drug addiction. Carry on my Friend. I believe in bad spirits or spirits who need a living body to inhabit...
15.05.2007 Wrote user mminard200
I believe this to be very true, especially concerning alcohol and drug addiction. Carry on my Friend. I believe in bad spirits or spirits who need a living body to inhabit...
06.12.2006 Wrote user Laurence
Right on! It is nice to see that there are still some open minded individuals left in the world not afraid to embrace the truth.
06.12.2006 Wrote user Laurence
Right on! It is nice to see that there are still some open minded individuals left in the world not afraid to embrace the truth.
10.09.2004 Wrote user Christian
I am not a real supernatural type of person, but lately I think my opinion is rapidly changing. I fall asleep and have these terrible nightmares and wake up stiff. I know that is a normal condition for some people, but there is more... I feel something, strong, alive, and its next to me even though I can't see it I feel it. What advise can you give me, so I don't have to overdose on sleeping pills anymore?

Wanda Pratnicka's response:
Please contact our office per email so that we can answer the question whether your problems are connected with the existence of ghosts in your life or not.
10.09.2004 Wrote user Christian
I am not a real supernatural type of person, but lately I think my opinion is rapidly changing. I fall asleep and have these terrible nightmares and wake up stiff. I know that is a normal condition for some people, but there is more... I feel something, strong, alive, and its next to me even though I can't see it I feel it. What advise can you give me, so I don't have to overdose on sleeping pills anymore?

Wanda Pratnicka's response:
Please contact our office per email so that we can answer the question whether your problems are connected with the existence of ghosts in your life or not.
09.09.2004 Wrote user angbarajas
This is so interesting, I’m glad I came upon your website! For almost a year I’ve been having pains inside my stomach area, depression, bad mood, lack of energy, severe weight gain without reason and the list goes on.... I’ve gone to several doctors and been tested for several things and they can never find anything wrong with me, so that led me to believe aside from my other experiences, that I’m being possessed and not sure by whom. Most of my life I’ve had ghosts experiences and still have them almost daily. Sorry for this comment being so long, I’m going to look into your book, I’ve been searching for answers for a very long time.
09.09.2004 Wrote user angbarajas
This is so interesting, I’m glad I came upon your website! For almost a year I’ve been having pains inside my stomach area, depression, bad mood, lack of energy, severe weight gain without reason and the list goes on.... I’ve gone to several doctors and been tested for several things and they can never find anything wrong with me, so that led me to believe aside from my other experiences, that I’m being possessed and not sure by whom. Most of my life I’ve had ghosts experiences and still have them almost daily. Sorry for this comment being so long, I’m going to look into your book, I’ve been searching for answers for a very long time.
08.09.2004 Wrote user leon
Yes I agree, I have had 20 years experience in this field.
08.09.2004 Wrote user leon
Yes I agree, I have had 20 years experience in this field.
08.09.2004 Wrote user John
I think that I am possessed and I need help. I went to the bathroom today and took a bowel movement and when I glanced into the toilet bowl afterward the feces were a revolting and unnatural bright green color. After that I realized that I had not been feeling good that day. I have heard that demons can cause sickness and am worried for myself. I don't know anybody so I don’t know who to talk to about this and I am scared.

Wanda Pratnicka's response:
Please contact our office per email so that we can answer the question whether your problems are connected with the existence of ghosts in your life or not.
08.09.2004 Wrote user John
I think that I am possessed and I need help. I went to the bathroom today and took a bowel movement and when I glanced into the toilet bowl afterward the feces were a revolting and unnatural bright green color. After that I realized that I had not been feeling good that day. I have heard that demons can cause sickness and am worried for myself. I don't know anybody so I don’t know who to talk to about this and I am scared.

Wanda Pratnicka's response:
Please contact our office per email so that we can answer the question whether your problems are connected with the existence of ghosts in your life or not.
04.09.2004 Wrote user Tara
Hi, I seriously need help. I am trying to sell my house but this thing (ghost) won't allow it ! Every time I go on holiday it plays up and my family that look after my house for me see it ! My husband has seen it - there is a woman and a man. Can you help please?

Wanda Pratnicka's response:
Please contact our office per email so that you can get informations on how to get rid of that ghosts.
04.09.2004 Wrote user Tara
Hi, I seriously need help. I am trying to sell my house but this thing (ghost) won't allow it ! Every time I go on holiday it plays up and my family that look after my house for me see it ! My husband has seen it - there is a woman and a man. Can you help please?

Wanda Pratnicka's response:
Please contact our office per email so that you can get informations on how to get rid of that ghosts.
26.08.2004 Wrote user Benika
Thanks so much for letting me know the truth of the outside world!
26.08.2004 Wrote user Benika
Thanks so much for letting me know the truth of the outside world!
14.08.2004 Wrote user Kate
Thank you so much. This info was a help.
14.08.2004 Wrote user Kate
Thank you so much. This info was a help.
10.08.2004 Wrote user karmacal
My friend is totally possessed. That's why I am visiting this site to find help for her. It is so obvious that she has been possessed... She has had about 30 close friends and relatives die around her in the last 5 years. Her home is full of many entities (they don't like me) I know they are there! She and I have witnessed many strange phenomena there...
10.08.2004 Wrote user karmacal
My friend is totally possessed. That's why I am visiting this site to find help for her. It is so obvious that she has been possessed... She has had about 30 close friends and relatives die around her in the last 5 years. Her home is full of many entities (they don't like me) I know they are there! She and I have witnessed many strange phenomena there...
09.07.2004 Wrote user sushi_warashi
I really believe on it.
09.07.2004 Wrote user sushi_warashi
I really believe on it.
04.07.2004 Wrote user thuggy
Well I have a problem. I have a ghost that I have dreams about and yet he also comes through me when I get severly mad at a point of time. Sometimes I dont even have to be mad. He just comes through anyway and he causes my friends and family to be scared at certain times in the actions that occur. Do you have any advice for me? Anything would help. He also has been known to come through when a certain word or thing happens and my friend tells me what just happened when I come to myself. He is not really mean just VERY persuasive and he only gets mad when something bad happens or something that makes HIM mad. WHAT DO I DO? ANY ADVICE WOULD BE MUCH APPRECIATED! PLEASE HELP ASAP.

Wanda Pratnicka's response:
Please contact our office per email so that you can get informations on how to get rid of that ghost.
04.07.2004 Wrote user thuggy
Well I have a problem. I have a ghost that I have dreams about and yet he also comes through me when I get severly mad at a point of time. Sometimes I dont even have to be mad. He just comes through anyway and he causes my friends and family to be scared at certain times in the actions that occur. Do you have any advice for me? Anything would help. He also has been known to come through when a certain word or thing happens and my friend tells me what just happened when I come to myself. He is not really mean just VERY persuasive and he only gets mad when something bad happens or something that makes HIM mad. WHAT DO I DO? ANY ADVICE WOULD BE MUCH APPRECIATED! PLEASE HELP ASAP.

Wanda Pratnicka's response:
Please contact our office per email so that you can get informations on how to get rid of that ghost.

Ghost story