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1.       『ザ・ラスト・サイン』、アメリカ、2005、出演—アンディ・マクダウェル、ティム・ロス。どんな事をしてでも自分と連絡を取らせようとするDV&アル中の幽霊に悩まされる女性をアンディ・マクダウェルが演じています。もし、平安と愛をもう一度人生に見出すには、彼女は過去にあった事を赦さなければなりません。ティム・ロスは、憎しみは死後も生き続け、赦しだけが幽霊と生きている人間を縛る呪縛を解く唯一の方法であると云う事を見せてくれる死んだ夫を演じています。リアルであり、尚かつ素晴らしい映画。

2.       『ゴースト/ニューヨークの幻』、1990、出演—パトリック・スウェイジ、デミ・ムーア、ウーピー・ゴールドバーグ。突然、亡くなって、幽霊として生きていかなくてはいけなくなったヒーローの冒険物語。この映画は、突然死を迎えた人が死後も存在する事を教えてくれます。私達が死後、自身や周囲の環境をどう認識するのか、そしてどんな選択があるのかを知るだけでもお金を払って見る価値があります。  

3.       『シックスセンス』、1999、出演—ブルース・ウィリス、ハーレイ・ジョエル・オスメント。この映画は、未だ幼いうちに幽霊が見える「第六感」若しくは、第三の目が開いてしまった男の子の物語を描き出します。とても現実的な方法で真実を見せる秀逸な作品。霊感少年には、幽霊の世界が見えますが、周りを怖がらせたり、変人と思われたりするのを恐れて、自分が知っている事を人に言い出せません。

4.       『ビューティフルマインド』、アメリカ、2001、出演—ラッセル・クロウ、エド・ハリス、ジェニファー・コネリー。この映画は、実話に基づき幽霊に憑依されたノーベル賞受賞者である天才科学者の物語を語ってくれます。ジョン・フォーブズ・ナッシュは、取り憑いた幽霊を現実と捉え、それに酷く悩み、それが大きな苦しみとなります…幽霊ときっぱりと決別する事を決めた時、苦しみは終焉を迎えます。

5.       『奇蹟の輝き』、アメリカ、1998、出演—ロビン・ウィリアムズ、アナベラ・シオラ。突発事故で亡くなった主人公の運命と、霊界で起こる彼の死後の冒険を描いた作品。死後の世界を赤裸々にそして、現実的に描き出した秀作。

6.       『アザーズ』、アメリカ、2001、出演—ニコール・キッドマン、フィオヌラ・フラナガン、クリストファー・エクルストン。幽霊屋敷に引っ越してしまった母親と三人の子供のお話。秀作です。エンディングのネタバレはいけませんので、ここではもう何も言いません。

7.       Restless Spirits (テレビ) 、カナダ、1999、出演—ジュリアナ・ウィンブルズ、ロセア・ブルトー。ホールマークチャンネル(米国家族向けケーブルTVチャンネル)で、時々観られる映画。死んだ事に気付いていない二十代で飛行機事故で命を失った二人のパイロットの冒険談。二人は毎日、死の瞬間を繰り返します。彼等が霊能力のある幼い女の子に出会った時、初めて五十年前に本当は何が起こったのかを 理解します。

8.       『あなたの死後にご用心』(劇場未公開)、アメリカ、1991、出演—メリル・ストリープ、アルバート・ブルックス。死後、あの世の人々が住む美しい町にやって来た男の行く末と、「この世学校」に戻るべきか、それとも「天国」でこれからもちゃんとやって行ける程大人になったのか験す事に目的を置いた「実証」の過程を描いた傑作。偉大なる女優メリル・ストリープを配した事実に基づいた楽しいコメディー。

9.       『恋人はゴースト』、アメリカ、2005、出演—リース・ウィザースプーン、マーク・ラファロ。エリザベス(リース・ウィザースプー ン)は、車で事故に遭い、この世とあの世の間で彷徨う幽霊になってしまう熱烈な仕事中毒の医者です。彼女は死んだ事に気が付かず、彼女の古巣のアパートに入居して来る独りぼっちの建築家、デービッド(マーク・ラファロ)に出会う迄、何事も起こっていないと思っています。エリザベスの幽霊を目撃したデービッドは自分の気が違ってしまったのかと思い必死にエリザベスを追い出そうとしますが、彼女はそれに動じません。エリザベスとは一体誰だったのかを突き止めようとして、デービッドはその発見に驚愕します。楽しくそして、非常に真実に即した作りの映画。

10.      『きみがくれた未来』、アメリカ、2010、出演—ザック・エフロン、キム・ベイシンガー。この映画は弟を喪った後、霊体になった弟が会いに来てくれる様になった主人公の物語を綴ります。そして、大きな事故に遭った後、死んだ恋人と霊的な接触をする女性との間のロマンチックな愛の物語も含まれています。生きている者と死者のコミュニケーションを描いたとてもリアルで興味深いお話です。



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14.05.2015 Wrote user Johnk929
I am very glad to see such excellent info being shared freely out there.
14.05.2015 Wrote user Johnk929
I am very glad to see such excellent info being shared freely out there.
13.01.2012 Wrote user J
The symptoms you describe above are accurate. There are people who don't think about suicide, but some force or urge disrupts their mind. Unexplained aggression and violence are good signs to pinpoint ghost possession. Thanks for sharing.
13.01.2012 Wrote user J
The symptoms you describe above are accurate. There are people who don't think about suicide, but some force or urge disrupts their mind. Unexplained aggression and violence are good signs to pinpoint ghost possession. Thanks for sharing.
08.04.2010 Wrote user Faziah
Thank you for all you do and have done for my family and myself. Go with Gods Speed
08.04.2010 Wrote user Faziah
Thank you for all you do and have done for my family and myself. Go with Gods Speed
11.10.2009 Wrote user suzannewells2000
I believe that Wanda's wisdom and gifts will truly revolutionize the world as we know it, as well as save mankind from the terrible holocaust of pain and suffering that the majority of us have and are currently experiencing. What a revelation!!! Bless you Wanda and may God protect you and shower you with all the blessings you deserve!
11.10.2009 Wrote user suzannewells2000
I believe that Wanda's wisdom and gifts will truly revolutionize the world as we know it, as well as save mankind from the terrible holocaust of pain and suffering that the majority of us have and are currently experiencing. What a revelation!!! Bless you Wanda and may God protect you and shower you with all the blessings you deserve!
27.07.2009 Wrote user miltondodd
Dear Wanda, I've heard more about you than just your book. I think you're a brilliant healer and spiritual guide... Keep saving those babies!
27.07.2009 Wrote user miltondodd
Dear Wanda, I've heard more about you than just your book. I think you're a brilliant healer and spiritual guide... Keep saving those babies!
18.09.2008 Wrote user Gambit68boom
Wow i never thought of it. You just opened my eyes to a whole new world thank you.
18.09.2008 Wrote user Gambit68boom
Wow i never thought of it. You just opened my eyes to a whole new world thank you.
02.09.2008 Wrote user exorcisme.catholique
Very good sister! God bless you!
02.09.2008 Wrote user exorcisme.catholique
Very good sister! God bless you!
20.08.2008 Wrote user catholic_girl
This article is very interesting, please keep on writing I want to know more. Thanks for the info!
20.08.2008 Wrote user catholic_girl
This article is very interesting, please keep on writing I want to know more. Thanks for the info!
13.08.2008 Wrote user sorasonorei
I totally agree with you.
13.08.2008 Wrote user sorasonorei
I totally agree with you.
22.05.2008 Wrote user Stellar
This is a wonderful service to the thousands of human beings suffering from unknown causes which can't be detected or diagnosed by conventional medicine or other professionals. I was greatly impressed some years ago, when at the Holy Mass, the priest said: "Let us pray for all those who suffer from mental illnesses which in the time of our Lord Jesus Christ was said to be possessed by evil spirits". - all answered: "Lord hear our Prayers"
22.05.2008 Wrote user Stellar
This is a wonderful service to the thousands of human beings suffering from unknown causes which can't be detected or diagnosed by conventional medicine or other professionals. I was greatly impressed some years ago, when at the Holy Mass, the priest said: "Let us pray for all those who suffer from mental illnesses which in the time of our Lord Jesus Christ was said to be possessed by evil spirits". - all answered: "Lord hear our Prayers"
19.02.2008 Wrote user Sher
Very good website. Tells it like it is!
19.02.2008 Wrote user Sher
Very good website. Tells it like it is!
11.09.2007 Wrote user kyles
I really believe this and i think more people should as well because it does happen to people and they should be more open minded
11.09.2007 Wrote user kyles
I really believe this and i think more people should as well because it does happen to people and they should be more open minded
15.05.2007 Wrote user mminard200
I believe this to be very true, especially concerning alcohol and drug addiction. Carry on my Friend. I believe in bad spirits or spirits who need a living body to inhabit...
15.05.2007 Wrote user mminard200
I believe this to be very true, especially concerning alcohol and drug addiction. Carry on my Friend. I believe in bad spirits or spirits who need a living body to inhabit...
06.12.2006 Wrote user Laurence
Right on! It is nice to see that there are still some open minded individuals left in the world not afraid to embrace the truth.
06.12.2006 Wrote user Laurence
Right on! It is nice to see that there are still some open minded individuals left in the world not afraid to embrace the truth.
10.09.2004 Wrote user Christian
I am not a real supernatural type of person, but lately I think my opinion is rapidly changing. I fall asleep and have these terrible nightmares and wake up stiff. I know that is a normal condition for some people, but there is more... I feel something, strong, alive, and its next to me even though I can't see it I feel it. What advise can you give me, so I don't have to overdose on sleeping pills anymore?

Wanda Pratnicka's response:
Please contact our office per email so that we can answer the question whether your problems are connected with the existence of ghosts in your life or not.
10.09.2004 Wrote user Christian
I am not a real supernatural type of person, but lately I think my opinion is rapidly changing. I fall asleep and have these terrible nightmares and wake up stiff. I know that is a normal condition for some people, but there is more... I feel something, strong, alive, and its next to me even though I can't see it I feel it. What advise can you give me, so I don't have to overdose on sleeping pills anymore?

Wanda Pratnicka's response:
Please contact our office per email so that we can answer the question whether your problems are connected with the existence of ghosts in your life or not.
09.09.2004 Wrote user angbarajas
This is so interesting, I’m glad I came upon your website! For almost a year I’ve been having pains inside my stomach area, depression, bad mood, lack of energy, severe weight gain without reason and the list goes on.... I’ve gone to several doctors and been tested for several things and they can never find anything wrong with me, so that led me to believe aside from my other experiences, that I’m being possessed and not sure by whom. Most of my life I’ve had ghosts experiences and still have them almost daily. Sorry for this comment being so long, I’m going to look into your book, I’ve been searching for answers for a very long time.
09.09.2004 Wrote user angbarajas
This is so interesting, I’m glad I came upon your website! For almost a year I’ve been having pains inside my stomach area, depression, bad mood, lack of energy, severe weight gain without reason and the list goes on.... I’ve gone to several doctors and been tested for several things and they can never find anything wrong with me, so that led me to believe aside from my other experiences, that I’m being possessed and not sure by whom. Most of my life I’ve had ghosts experiences and still have them almost daily. Sorry for this comment being so long, I’m going to look into your book, I’ve been searching for answers for a very long time.
08.09.2004 Wrote user leon
Yes I agree, I have had 20 years experience in this field.
08.09.2004 Wrote user leon
Yes I agree, I have had 20 years experience in this field.
08.09.2004 Wrote user John
I think that I am possessed and I need help. I went to the bathroom today and took a bowel movement and when I glanced into the toilet bowl afterward the feces were a revolting and unnatural bright green color. After that I realized that I had not been feeling good that day. I have heard that demons can cause sickness and am worried for myself. I don't know anybody so I don’t know who to talk to about this and I am scared.

Wanda Pratnicka's response:
Please contact our office per email so that we can answer the question whether your problems are connected with the existence of ghosts in your life or not.
08.09.2004 Wrote user John
I think that I am possessed and I need help. I went to the bathroom today and took a bowel movement and when I glanced into the toilet bowl afterward the feces were a revolting and unnatural bright green color. After that I realized that I had not been feeling good that day. I have heard that demons can cause sickness and am worried for myself. I don't know anybody so I don’t know who to talk to about this and I am scared.

Wanda Pratnicka's response:
Please contact our office per email so that we can answer the question whether your problems are connected with the existence of ghosts in your life or not.
04.09.2004 Wrote user Tara
Hi, I seriously need help. I am trying to sell my house but this thing (ghost) won't allow it ! Every time I go on holiday it plays up and my family that look after my house for me see it ! My husband has seen it - there is a woman and a man. Can you help please?

Wanda Pratnicka's response:
Please contact our office per email so that you can get informations on how to get rid of that ghosts.
04.09.2004 Wrote user Tara
Hi, I seriously need help. I am trying to sell my house but this thing (ghost) won't allow it ! Every time I go on holiday it plays up and my family that look after my house for me see it ! My husband has seen it - there is a woman and a man. Can you help please?

Wanda Pratnicka's response:
Please contact our office per email so that you can get informations on how to get rid of that ghosts.
26.08.2004 Wrote user Benika
Thanks so much for letting me know the truth of the outside world!
26.08.2004 Wrote user Benika
Thanks so much for letting me know the truth of the outside world!
14.08.2004 Wrote user Kate
Thank you so much. This info was a help.
14.08.2004 Wrote user Kate
Thank you so much. This info was a help.
10.08.2004 Wrote user karmacal
My friend is totally possessed. That's why I am visiting this site to find help for her. It is so obvious that she has been possessed... She has had about 30 close friends and relatives die around her in the last 5 years. Her home is full of many entities (they don't like me) I know they are there! She and I have witnessed many strange phenomena there...
10.08.2004 Wrote user karmacal
My friend is totally possessed. That's why I am visiting this site to find help for her. It is so obvious that she has been possessed... She has had about 30 close friends and relatives die around her in the last 5 years. Her home is full of many entities (they don't like me) I know they are there! She and I have witnessed many strange phenomena there...
09.07.2004 Wrote user sushi_warashi
I really believe on it.
09.07.2004 Wrote user sushi_warashi
I really believe on it.
04.07.2004 Wrote user thuggy
Well I have a problem. I have a ghost that I have dreams about and yet he also comes through me when I get severly mad at a point of time. Sometimes I dont even have to be mad. He just comes through anyway and he causes my friends and family to be scared at certain times in the actions that occur. Do you have any advice for me? Anything would help. He also has been known to come through when a certain word or thing happens and my friend tells me what just happened when I come to myself. He is not really mean just VERY persuasive and he only gets mad when something bad happens or something that makes HIM mad. WHAT DO I DO? ANY ADVICE WOULD BE MUCH APPRECIATED! PLEASE HELP ASAP.

Wanda Pratnicka's response:
Please contact our office per email so that you can get informations on how to get rid of that ghost.
04.07.2004 Wrote user thuggy
Well I have a problem. I have a ghost that I have dreams about and yet he also comes through me when I get severly mad at a point of time. Sometimes I dont even have to be mad. He just comes through anyway and he causes my friends and family to be scared at certain times in the actions that occur. Do you have any advice for me? Anything would help. He also has been known to come through when a certain word or thing happens and my friend tells me what just happened when I come to myself. He is not really mean just VERY persuasive and he only gets mad when something bad happens or something that makes HIM mad. WHAT DO I DO? ANY ADVICE WOULD BE MUCH APPRECIATED! PLEASE HELP ASAP.

Wanda Pratnicka's response:
Please contact our office per email so that you can get informations on how to get rid of that ghost.

Ghost story